How PRS benefits you
Whether you’re looking to save for retirement or even just starting out on your first job, PRS is an extra layer of savings for your financial health.
What is OnePRS by Kenanga?
Save now for your retirement with OnePRS by Kenanga
Kenanga Investors’ voluntary private retirement scheme complements the existing mandatory retirement savings scheme and other retirement savings. It is available in both conventional and Syariah options. By providing a choice of funds with different risk and return policies to meet your needs, OnePRS by Kenanga encourages you to save now for your future.
Add colours to your retirement with OnePRS by Kenanga.
OnePRS Facts
Choose from the default option or self-select funds option based on your retirement needs. Fund Selection is based on your risk appetite and return expectation.
The Scheme provides an easy platform for Members to accumulate their retirement savings as well as make regular post retirement withdrawals. Regular contributions are made easy through direct debit or online banking
Switch between PRS Funds to meet your changing retirement needs at no charge.
Have total control over the funds you want to contribute to. Enjoy 24-7 access to consolidated fund performance reporting and daily fund prices.
The Scheme is managed by a team of professional fund managers. Our unique investment methodology is built within a robust, disciplined and systematic decision-making and risk management framework.